Five Minutes, Tops!

The holiday activities are in full swing, and I know you’re busy. So here is a quick update you can peruse in less than 5 minutes.

First, would you take one of those minutes and pray for 2 things?
                *The right people
Praise the Lord! The preschool enrollment is growing, but we need wisdom as we bring on teachers to join our team. We especially need another American teacher to come ASAP.
                *The right opportunities
This week I have the privilege of teaching English around the topic of Christmas. Pray for opportunities to magnify Christ!




Did you pray? No, really…please. Thank you!

Now, here are some pictures. There is no rhyme or reason to the order. I just want to share them with you.


Last month in my class we learned about our bodies. We sang a lot of “Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes.” To review, I traced the children and they drew their own eyes, ears, mouths, and noses.



Our Thanksgiving celebration: we helped the missionaries bring Thanksgiving to Poland! We gave many friends a taste of our traditions and American pumpkin pie.



As part of our unit on Thanksgiving, my elementary class made turkeys out of Oreos and candy corn. Can’t get much more American than that!


During our two holiday weekends, my roommate and I visited Prague and Vienna. I loved roaming the cities and learning about their history. Franz Schubert (as was) is to my left there in that first picture; Prague Castle is behind me in the second. 



During this Christmas season my prayer for myself, as well as my friends and family, is that we would actually keep our eyes on JESUS “the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrew 12:2)

Told ya! If you didn’t lollygag at the pictures, (and you actually took a moment to pray) you should be approaching 3 minutes, 25 seconds.

Merry Christmas!



3 thoughts on “Five Minutes, Tops!

  1. Katrina Z. says:

    It was so good to hear how the preschool’s been going, especially since I was thinking of you today. I did take a moment to pray and have been praying for you and Poland, Merrilee! 😀

  2. Teresa Steege says:

    Wonderful! You are always in our prayers!

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